A solution was found for the 15 Romanian workers housed in Castro Marim

Romanian Embassy ensured the reception of the group in Castelo Branco

After taking in 15 Romanian workers who were prevented from entering Spain, for not having a defined contractual situation, the Castro Marim City Council managed this Thursday to find a solution with the Romanian Embassy.

The group reportedly arrived at Lisbon Airport on Saturday and, after being prevented from crossing the border in Caia and at the Castro Marim International Bridge, reached the town on foot, where, for humanitarian reasons, they were welcomed by this municipality.

“Despite the municipal attempt to resolve the situation with Spain, the rigidity of the border agreement, which only allows the movement of goods and workers across borders, has not been overcome,” explains the Algarve Chamber.

Afterwards, “all efforts were made with other state bodies”, but the Municipality of Castro Marim only got a response from the Romanian Embassy, ​​which ensured the group's reception in Castelo Branco, “where they left at the end of this afternoon, in transport. provided by the municipality'.

Ensuring that Covid-19 tests had been carried out, all with negative results, the Municipality of Castro Marim welcomed the group of workers to the Municipal Pavilion since Tuesday, with overnight accommodation, food and the hygiene conditions necessary for their stay. .

The Chamber of Castro Marim ends its communiqué by thanking and acknowledging “the effort and commitment of all those involved in resolving the situation – the GNR of Castro Marim, the Santa Casa da Misericórdia of Castro Marim, the local health delegate and collaborators of the Municipality, which outside the scope of their functions, ensured the well-being of the 15 workers and the best resolution of the problem».




