Private Hospitals in Alvor and Gambelas are already carrying out Covid-19 analysis

The result is known within 48 hours

As of today, the Private Hospitals of Alvor and Gambelas are also able to collect samples for the analysis of screening for Covid-19 infection, announced the HPA Health Group.

The test is aimed at anyone, not requiring a medical prescription, from now on to be carried out on a regular basis for patients with scheduled surgeries or cancer treatment, as well as pregnant women.

Source from the HPA Health Group's Marketing department told the Sul Informação that 'the tests are paid for. The amount varies according to the type of insurance that the person may have, this amount being reimbursed later by the insurer».

The collection for analysis takes place on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays in the External Consultation, between 8:00 am and 10:00 am, with the result being known within 48 hours.

Previous appointment to collect the analysis is mandatory and can be done through the call center: 282 420 400.






