IPMA campaign to assess sardine and anchovy stock has ended

IPMA researchers assessed the "abundance and vertical distribution of pelagic fish"

The “PELAGO20” sardine and anchovy stock monitoring campaign in Portuguese and Spanish waters ended a few days ago in the Port of Vigo.

This initiative, an annual Iberian acoustic campaign that had beginning March 4th, allowed researchers from the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) to collect data to assess the availability of these resources.

Over 23 days, scientists aboard the Spanish research vessel Miguel de Oliver sought to "determine the abundance and vertical distribution of pelagic fish," such as sardines, but also anchovy, according to IPMA.

In 2002, there was “a special focus on knowledge for the recovery of the sardine stock and the enhancement of the sustainability of the purse seine fishing”.

"IPMA had the collaboration of siege vessels in each sector of the continental coast, which allowed, in a shorter period than usual, to cover the Gulf of Cadiz and the entire Portuguese geological continental shelf," added the same institute.

This annual campaign is carried out under an agreement signed between the Portuguese Ministry of the Sea and the Spanish General Secretariat for Fisheries.

In addition to state support, the investigators had the help of fishing professionals.

This year, the NI Michael Oliver he was accompanied by several siege vessels in every sector of the continental coast. “Mar Eterno”, “Avô Varela” and “Porti Pesca” were the fishing vessels that complemented the sampling carried out by the research vessel, helping to identify the shoals quantified by acoustic tracking by the scientists.

"Our technical-scientific team is back home, underlining the heartfelt recognition for all the commitment and dedication of these professionals in pursuing the mission of monitoring marine resources, in the current context of a state of public health emergency", stressed the IPMA.

