VRSA Library Takes Readings to Digital Platforms

Library wants to keep in touch with readers and win new audiences

The Vicente Campinas Municipal Library, in Vila Real de Santo António, is closed to the public, but the activities in this space have not stopped and have been adapted to digital platforms, through social networks.

According to the Chamber of VRSA, the library “wants to continue to be alongside readers and families” and, “in an attempt to reinvent new communication formats, the library has reorganized its cultural activities, adapting them to digital platforms”.

In this context, two regular activities have already been created: “#LeiturasOn”, in which the library takes literature to the community, children and adults, and “Knowledge Sharing for Parents and Children”, «where some proposals in the area are presented. of manuals, aimed at families, in a period when parents and children spend more time together, while others are more being considered».

With these strategies, the library intends to «continue some initiatives that the library regularly promoted, and which it now carries out from home, maintaining contact with readers and conquering new audiences».

All activities are available on the Facebook and library blog.

