Albufeira taxis support the elderly and the chronically ill in collecting prescriptions at the pharmacy

Drivers will also check if the people supported need other purchases

The Taxis Cooperative of Albufeira announced, on its Facebook page, that it will «provide support to elderly and chronically ill people who live alone, without family support, in collecting prescriptions at the pharmacy», following the evolution of the epidemic outbreak associated with the Covid-19 that has been verified in recent days.

Táxis Albufeira is collaborating with Social Action, the City Council and the Civil Protection of Albufeira in this solidarity action.

This will be 'a service on a voluntary basis, at no cost to people in these situations, taking into account that they belong to the group at risk of infection by the new coronavirus, due to the existence of underlying health problems associated with age and the situation of illness".

Thus, "the taxi driver, duly protected according to the recommendations of the General Directorate of Health, will go to the homes of people identified by Social Action to get a prescription to go to the pharmacy to pick up the necessary medications."

At the site, it will make "a sorting to see if there is a lack of food, making it arrive within an estimated period of 24 hours".

If you are aware of any situation that is not mentioned with the Albufeira Associations, you can contact the Taxis Albufeira call center at the following number: 289583230.

