94% of Portuguese want an extension of the state of emergency

Marktest Covid-19 Opinion Barometer Survey

The President of the Republic must prolong the state of emergency for another 15 days, defend 94% of people questioned by Marktest's Covid-19 Opinion Barometer.

This (almost) unanimity comes a week after 90% of those surveyed told Marktest that they agreed with Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa's decision to declare a state of emergency. And more women (96%) than men (92%) defend overtime.

According to the results of the last survey, in addition to more people supporting the decision of the President of the Republic, there are also more people who believe that the crisis will last longer than was initially foreseen.

«Compared to last week, there are now 5% more, the Portuguese who consider that the country will need more than 3 months to face the coronavirus problem and the limitations associated with it. Among the Portuguese aged 55 and over, this figure gains more expression, within 1 week: from the 29% who believed in this period of more than three months, we now have 40% of those who now believe in this possibility», according to Marktest.

As for the evaluation of the role of the President of the Republic during the Covid-19 crisis, “75% of Portuguese give a positive rating to the role of the President of the Republic. It is among Portuguese aged 55 and over that Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa gathers the best ratings: 84% of Portuguese aged 55 and over assess PR's performance in a positive way. On the other hand, it is in the 35/54 age group that the President registers the least positive evaluations, standing at 68%».
Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa's performance index «reaches 70 points» .

Marktest's Covid-19 Opinion Barometer «aims to monitor the opinions of the Portuguese over the next few weeks, their behavior and perceptions regarding the moment that the country and the world are going through».



Technical Note:

«This survey was carried out by Marktest through CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interview), from a sample of 505 respondents, aged over 18, residing in Mainland Portugal. The study results were weighted and extrapolated to the universe under study (8.250.000).

The collection of information took place between the 24th and 25th of March 2020. The selection of respondents was made using the Access Panel from Marktest. From this Access Panel, we carried out random extractions of potential interviewees, according to the rules defined at the level of sample selection (quota method by variables, gender, age and Marktest region). To guarantee the security of online communication, Marktest uses a security protocol that safeguards the reading and interception, by third parties, of the data transmitted when filling out the survey.

O Access Panel Marktest is duly registered with the CNPD and Marktest ensures a rigorous control of the quality and veracity of the information registered by the Internet users registered in our Access Panel, as well as in managing their selection for the interviews we carry out.

Since May 25, 2018, we have the RGPD in force (Marktest Privacy Policy). It should also be noted that we fully comply with "28 Questions to Help Buyers of Online Samples” – ESOMAR.

The analysis of these results is the sole responsibility of Marktest. The indices presented derive from assessments made by respondents in questions using assessment scales of 0, minimum score, and 10, maximum score, with the average value obtained converted to an index from 0 to 100 points.

Positive evaluations are considered to be all answers whose grade given on a scale from 0 to 10, are between 6 and 10, and negative evaluations between 0 and 4».

