UAlg researchers Tomás Azevedo and Adriana Marcelo awarded at an international congress

Awards were won during the international congress Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Genetics (IMPSG-2020)

Tomás Azevedo and Adriana Marcelo, researchers at the Center for Research in Biomedicine (CBMR) of the University of Algarve, were distinguished with the Castelbel prize and the Professor Doutor Luís Archer prize for best oral communication and best poster, respectively, within the scope of the Congress International Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Genetics (IMPSG-2020).

During the event, researchers presented works in the field of evolutionary and developmental biology and in the field of neuroscience.

Tomás Azevedo was distinguished for his work entitled “Evolution of Axial/Paraxial mesoderm formation: The role of CNOT2” and Adriana Marcelo for his work “Genetic Mouse Model for Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 2”.

