Maritime and tourist attractions in Lagos are now licensed by the City Council

Access to the maritime corridor located at Praia D. Ana, to visit the caves

Access to the maritime corridor located at Praia D. Ana, used to pick up and drop off people, as part of the maritime-tourist activity of excursions to caves, is now subject to licensing by the Lagos City Council. This change stems from the transfer of competences in the field of management of maritime beaches that the municipality agreed to receive in 2020.

In order to be able to issue licenses for the use of that maritime corridor, the Municipal Council of Lagos approved, at its last ordinary meeting, held on 22 January, the administrative procedure that stipulates the conditions for granting these licenses.

The proposal for the procedure to be adopted, aimed at implementing the new municipal competence, was prepared following meetings held with the various entities involved in this activity, namely the National Maritime Authority – Captaincy of the Port of Lagos and Docapesca – Portos e Lotas, SA.

In this first year, «a continuation of the practices previously followed, which take into account the assessment of the capacity of the site, its security conditions and the historical specificities of the activity», explains the municipality.

«This safeguards the possibility of annual allocation of 40 licenses to vessels and their respective owners that meet the safety requirements and represent the historical tradition associated with this activity, which dates back to the middle of the last century, when former fishermen, to complement the meager income from the difficult life at sea, they started to take trips to get to know the existing caves and then get some extra for the family budget», adds the Câmara de Lagos.

Given the fact that the competence in question has only been received since January 1st, the Municipality will grant these licenses in the current year, as in previous years, «so that there is no interruption in this economic activity, charging the fee due after the issuing of the license title, as soon as it is approved by the Municipal Assembly, since this is a more time-consuming procedure and requires the preparation of an economic-financial study».

The conditions for granting the licenses and the obligations to which their holders are subject will be published through a notice, to be published on the website of the Municipality of Lagos and in the usual places.

