dogs of Faro get a park to have fun and exercise

Dog park should be a reality in December

A canine park, with structures for entertainment and exercise for dogs, is already under construction on Rua de Berlin, in Alto de Santo António – Mata do Liceu – and should be operational “in early December”, announced the União de Freguesias (UF ) in Faro, responsible for the work.

«Given the increase in the number of pets in the city, namely dogs, this park aims to respond to the desires expressed by several customers who expressed the need to create a place dedicated to the fun of their animals and the experience and success with its functioning may dictate the creation of more similar equipment in the city», according to the Junta Farense.

Dog parks «are proper places for the permanence and movement of dogs, and nowadays they are absolutely essential equipment for dogs to spend their energies, so as not to develop aggressive and destructive behavior», considered Bruno Lage, president of UF de Faro.

“Not all people have houses with enough land for dogs to run freely without a leash and for some owners it is difficult to release dogs in public areas, as there is a risk of them going to the road, running away or jump onto passersby. Even if they are not aggressive, there are dogs that need to seek the attention of humans to play, jumping to them. This can be something unpleasant and even dangerous for some people, since a large dog can jump on a child or an elderly person and cause unwanted physical damage», illustrated the Farense mayor.

In the future park, dogs will be able to enjoy greater freedom, without having to walk on a leash or muzzle, as these structures are designed for that.

«Knowing that, many times, the abandonment of animals is directly related to their behavioral problems and, many times, these problems can be, in turn, related to the lack of exercise, play and interaction (with dogs and with people! ), creating dog parks can help alleviate some of these problems. It is important that dogs can play (be dogs!) and that they can socialize with other dogs and people to live better in society», reinforced the União de Freguesias de Faro.

