Câmara de Lagos accepts skills in managing port areas

Municipality has already approved that it will accept all competences in 2020

The Council of Lagos approved to assume, this year, the competence of managing port-maritime areas and urban areas for tourist and economic development not affected by port activities, within the scope of the process of decentralization of powers from the Government to the Municipalities.

The decision was taken at the Chamber meeting on September 4th and confirmed by the Municipal Assembly on September 13th.

For the time being, the Municipality has refused to receive the powers foreseen in the field of Health and relating to the model of co-management of protected areas “because it is considered necessary to have a greater definition and clarification in some matters”.

According to the Câmara de Lagos, another reason for the refusal “is related to the fact that it is considered necessary to train the services, providing them with complementary knowledge and human resources to sustainably assume all the new competences arising from Law n. 50/2018 of 16 August, a preparation process that has been ongoing and is expected to be completed by the end of the current year».

Despite this momentary refusal, the Municipality of Lagos considers it necessary that, «as soon as possible, all municipalities absorb the new competences, in order to create greater unification in the general standard of services provided».

Bearing this idea in mind, it was approved that, in 2020, Lagos will accept «all the powers arising from the transfer process that the Municipality considered not to be able to accept in 2019».

According to the proposal, which was approved by both municipal bodies, «the acceptance of the total transfer of competences will allow the carrying out of partnership works that, ultimately, will provide the provision of more effective and efficient services, in favor of the entire

This year, the Municipality of Lagos had already accepted competences in the areas of Public Real Estate without Use, Culture and Education.

