There are 1,7 million euros to finance modernization of public administration

Applications must be submitted at Counter 2020, by 17:00 on 2 August

Applications have already been opened for the competition to support the modernization and training of the administration, under the operational program CRESC Algarve2020, which has an endowment of 1,7 million euros.

“The thematic objective is to improve the institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders and the efficiency of public administration, including capacity building for all actors operating in the field of education, lifelong learning, training, employment and social policies and institutional capacity building in territorial and sectoral partnerships», says the Algarve's Regional Coordination and Development Commission (CCDR).

Operations that take place in the Algarve are eligible, with beneficiaries of Public Administration entities located in the region and other regional, public or private non-profit actors.

Candidates can adopt the figure of a partnership candidacy, with the leadership ensured by a public entity.

The endowment for this call for proposals is 1,7 million euros from the European Social Fund (ESF), and applications must be submitted at the 2020 Desk, by 17:00 on 2 August.

Notice is available here

