Portuguese journalists call for voting in European Elections

Campaign carried out by the Union of Journalists

There are as many Member States of the European Union, with the United Kingdom still in: 28 Portuguese journalists give their face and voice to call for a vote in the European Elections on Sunday, 26 May.

The campaign, carried out by the Union of Journalists, is part of the project “A free press, a democratic Europe”, which, between January and May, promoted a series of initiatives to stimulate the debate on European Elections, involving journalists and Journalism and Communication students.

The video now associated with the #destavezeuvoto #ThistimeImvoting campaign features journalists experienced in European affairs, who, choosing a word about Europe, reflect on the importance of these elections.

With a shorter version, on Instagram, and a longer version, on Youtube, the video includes the testimonies of the following journalists, whom the Union of Journalists thanks for their commitment and collaboration:

Luisa Meireles Lusa

Nuno Tiago Pinto Saturday

Mário Cruz Lusa

Ricardo Ramos Correio da Manhã

daisy peixoto Jornal de Negócios

Ricardo Alexandre TSF

Patricia Viegas Diário de Notícias

Joaquim Damaso Leiria Region

Alexandra Barata Freelancer

Rachel Morão Lopes Antenna 1/RDP

Leonete Botelho Public

Filipe Fialho VISION

Jose Carlos Vasconcelos Journal of Letters

Catarina santos Observer

Manuela Goucha Soares Espresso

John Porphyry Observer

Marina Pimentel Radio Renascença

Catarina Fernandes Martins Freelancer

Jorge Freitas de Sousa Newspaper of Madeira

Miguel Guarda Calheta-Santana JM/FM Radios

Nuno Barraco Lines of Elvas

Ana Ribeiro Rodrigues Covilhã News

José Manuel Ribeiro The Game

Raphael Barbosa Newspaper

Teresa Canto Noronha DIH

Filipe Caetano TVI

Paulo Belly Media Literacy Project


