Easter holidays in Portimão even had the right to bootcamp on schedule

Initiative took place within the scope of Happy Code, a programming school

Children over 7 years old had, from April 9th ​​to 13th, a different Easter Holiday, at the Municipal Library of Portimão, where they attended a programming bootcamp in roblox. 

This initiative took place within the scope of Happy Code, a programming school whose mission is to train thinkers and creators of the XNUMXst century.

With a teaching methodology based on the STEAM concept ("Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math"), the courses taught focus on computer programming, game and application development, robotics with drones, as well as video production and editing to YouTube.

For five days, children and young people at the Municipal Library had access to “Roblox”, a digital gaming platform, which allowed players to create their own virtual worlds (Places) and design their own games within the platform.

In this course, children and young people were introduced to the world of Roblox Studio, with the creation of scenarios and items. In addition to playing in Roblox, they learned to program and create games within Roblox, which could even be used by other players.

Enrollments for the Programming Bootcamp were quickly sold out, «proving the existence of great enthusiasm among children in the municipality for the effect of novelty and innovation brought about by the project», says the Câmara de Portimão.

At the end of the program, on Saturday, April 13th, there was a special moment of sharing between parents and children, in which the guardians had the opportunity to know and follow the final works developed by their students and also learned about benefits of programming for the development of XNUMXst century skills.

This "initiative represents a clear commitment to the technical and digital development of the municipality".

Happy Code's Roblox Programming Bootcamp is a pioneering project, responding to the dreams of youngsters and will teach them the skills of the future, both technically and creatively, which will allow them to develop the necessary skills in the tomorrow's world.

«This was a project that created real bridges for the future by promoting the introduction of thought in children regarding the use of technological tools», says Câmara de Portimão.


