Students from Silves expose the fossils they found at school

Works were carried out within the scope of the “GeoValoriza” project

They are drawings, but they are also science. Works made by 7th grade students from the Silves Schools Group make up the “Fossils” exhibition, which is on display at the Silves Secondary School.

This exhibition is the result of a collaboration between the disciplines of Visual Education and Natural Sciences, under the coordination of professors Susana Nobre and Francisco Lopes.

The works were carried out within the scope of the “GeoValoriza” project, which was recently selected for the development phase of the 16th edition of the Ilídio Pinho Award – Science at School, in the 4th level (3rd cycle of basic education). This was one of only two proposals approved in this category in the Algarve.

«This project was created with the purpose of enhancing the geodiversity and geopatrimony existing in the walls and floors of the Silves School Group headquarters building, through a pilot, innovative, reference and replicable project, with enormous potential at the scientific level, education and tourism”, according to those responsible for the project, which involves students from Escola Secundária de Silves and Escola EB 2,3 Dr. Garcia Domingues.

«Through the work of scientific research we will produce information that will be converted into knowledge applied in educational and tourist activities. Among other possible activities, we will create conditions for guided and autonomous tours that will consist of meaningful experiences based on the stories hidden in the rocks and fossils of the school building. This “out of the box” project will stimulate creativity and entrepreneurship, contributing to innovation and creating new ideas and opportunities», they add.


Photos: Susana Nobre|Silves Schools Group

