Region of Parma participates in the Porco Alentejano Fair

The presence of an Italian municipality projects the event towards "a level of internationalization"

The Italian region of Parma, through the municipality of Langhirano, a ham and cheese production area parmesan (parmesan), will be present, on the 22nd and 24th of March, at the Feira do Porco Alentejano, in Ourique. 

The Parma region has sought to maintain a European network of DOP (Protected Designation of Origin) ham producing territories, «with the aim of sharing the ham culture and the culture of quality DOP product», says the Câmara de Ourique.

The presence of Parma ham producers at the Porco Alentejano Fair projects the event «towards a level of internationalization that we want to reinforce, through the annual presence of a representative of another country that produces ham or other excellent pork derivatives», adds the autarchy.

In 2013, from 28 to 31 May, Ourique hosted the VII World Congress of Ham, with participants from various countries, who met in Portugal, outside Spanish territory, for the first time.

Melgaço, Portel, Almeirim, and Monchique are the cities invited to the XIII edition of the Feira do Porco Alentejano. In the musical part, the presence of Blaya and Virgul.

