Government has one million euros to fight domestic violence

Application deadline ends May 9

The Government today launched two notices to open competitions, worth a total of one million euros, to strengthen the prevention and fight against violence against women and domestic violence, within the scope of the Conciliation and Gender Equality Program (EEA Grants 2014 -2021).

These competitions aim to support projects in several areas, namely: the implementation of an information management system in the National Support Network for Victims of Domestic Violence; projects and instruments for local intervention with vulnerable groups; the evaluation of the impact of measures applied to aggressors; and prevention projects and support strategies for children and youth in the area of ​​violence against women and domestic violence.

Applications must be submitted by the 9th of May. The application form and its annexes can be found online.

“These notices, issued on a day of national mourning for the victims of domestic violence and their families, concretize this openly collective commitment to strengthening action on the ground. For this, projects are supported in key dimensions of intervention, from primary and secondary prevention, to improving the internal functioning of the national network for the protection of victims of domestic violence, to adapting the intervention to the needs of specific groups, such as migrant women, Gypsies, elderly or with disabilities, and the production of an evaluation that will be very important for us to know the impact of current mechanisms for sanctioning offenders and analysis of decisions and judicial convictions in this area», according to Rosa Monteiro, Secretary of State for Citizenship and the Equality.

The program will be operated by the Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality (CIG) and finances structuring initiatives for the country in areas aligned with the National Strategy for Equality and Non-Discrimination 2018-2030 “Portugal + Igual”. Entities from the public administration, higher education institutions, research centers, NGOs and others can apply.

