Câmara de Silves distributes 424 thousand euros in support to associations

The first tranches were delivered this Wednesday

The Municipality of Silves will distribute 424 thousand euros in support to 71 associations and clubs in the municipality, in 2019.

The program contracts between the municipality and the Silves communities were signed this Wednesday, at the Salão Nobre dos Paços do Concelho.

«This formal act allowed the institutions that have applied to the Support Program for the Sport Associative Movement (PAMAD), the Support Program for Cultural Institutions (PAIAC), the Support Program for Social Intervention Institutions (PAIIS) and to the Youth Association Support Program (PAAJU) could, if their situation was regularized with Social Security and Finance, receive the first tranche of the foreseen subsidies», according to the City of Silves.

"This is an initiative of the municipality that aims to stimulate local associations, supporting various areas that institutions develop activities", concluded the municipality.

