Trophy promotes “Sportsmanship” in schools in Silves

Initiative culminates with the organization of the Sports Festival and the Dia D'Aventura

The 1st phase of the School Sports Games – Espírito Desportivo Trophy, which started in the municipality of Silves, in December, will run until the 27th of February.

According to the Municipality of Silves, this competition aims to «distinguish the sporting spirit as a fundamental component to be developed in the sports training of children and young people in the county, promote a taste for sports and individual and collective development to the detriment of the results achieved in any cost and promote the educational potential of sports practices as a relevant factor in the process of civic and moral training of children and young people».

The project, which is being developed at the EB 2,3 schools in the municipality and at the Silves Secondary School, also has the objectives of «recognizing sports teachers and coaches as the main educational agents in taking advantage of the educational potential of sports practices and distinguishing the Municipality of Silves as a Municipality that promotes and fosters the sporting spirit in all its sporting practices».

The final phase culminates with the holding of the Sports Festival and the Dia d'Ad'ventura, «initiatives that serve as a “hat” for the transmission of the fundamental values ​​associated with sports, namely the notion of sportsmanship”, adds the municipality.

More information can be obtained from the Sports Department of the City of Silves, by calling 282 440 270 or by e-mail: [email protected].

