Ourique will assume all powers decentralized by the Government

Ourique says he has defended for a long time that there is "a reinforcement of proximity and harmony to the region, populations and territories"

The Chamber of Ourique will accept all the powers that the Government has already decentralized from the Central State to the municipalities. For now, nine diplomas are in question, ranging from the management of public real estate to justice, through tourist promotion and public parking.

The municipality of Ourique affirms that it defends, for a long time, «that the powers exercised by the Central Power, from Lisbon, must have a reinforcement of proximity and harmony with the region, populations and territories».

That is why the Chamber accepted all the powers that the Government decided to decentralize and that are part of this first package of already regulated diplomas.

And there are several reasons for the executive led by socialist Marcelo Guerreiro to accept, from now on, all the attributions that the Government has decided to decentralize.

First of all, the fact that the new competences allow “an administration of resources and services closer to citizens and territories”.

On the other hand, part of the responsibilities to be assumed, «being exercised by the local authorities, guarantee a faster response, in tune with reality and with a sense of local interest».

The Chamber of Ourique pointed out that, "when it implies an increase in expenditure, it will have to be covered by central transfers to Local Government."

In a first phase, competences are in question regarding the Beaches, the Related Modalities of the Games of Fortune and Chance, the Tourism Promotion, the Communication Routes, the Justice, the Civil-Firefighters Protection, the Structures of Assistance to the Citizen, the Heritage Public Real Estate and Public Parking.

« Bearing in mind the reading and evaluation of the interests of Ourique and of Ouriquens, the municipality will take a further position on the decentralization of competences and the respective means in areas such as education, health, policing, food safety, animal safety , culture or parishes, when the diplomas and the underlying financial amounts are consolidated”, concluded the municipality.

