APPC Program Faro wants to improve the lives of disabled people

Initiative is carried out under the Erasmus+ program

The “Quality of life for all” project, which aims to develop an education program to promote the quality of life of people with disabilities, started on November 12th, at the headquarters of the Portuguese Association of Cerebral Palsy (APPC) in Faro. 

This is a project, within the scope of the Erasmus+ program of the European Union, and will have a duration of two years.

As coordinator of this project, APPC Faro says that "he felt the need to bring together the best practices developed at European level in this matter, to promote empowerment and equity in the services provided to these citizens".

Through the institution's strategic vision, «it intends to be a reference organization at national and international level, for providing quality services based on innovation and organizational transformation».

In this sense, a European consortium of partners was brought together that complement the needs of this project in terms of quality and associated scientific rigor, namely European Platform for Rehabilitation (Belgium), Istituto Don Calabria (Italy), Josefsheim gGmbH (Germany) and Fundación San Francisco de Borja for people with intellectual disabilities (Spain).

