Marco Martins presents a reading staged with Beatriz Batarda and Romeu Runa at CAPa

Staged reading results from the creative residency that took place in Faro

Filmmaker and director Marco Martins will present on November 17, at 21 pm, at CAPa – Center for Performing Arts of the Algarve, in Faro, a staged reading, with interpretation by Beatriz Batarda and Romeu Runa, the result of the first residency of her new creation, which will premiere at Teatro S. Luiz in November 2019.

The creative residency took place at CAPa and this staged reading will have free admission.

This event is part of the new DeVIR/CAPa programming cycle, which precedes the 5th edition of the DeVIR meetings and which will also feature Emmy Curl and Rui Neto.

Catarina Miranda aka Emmy Curl will perform in a solo concert at CAPa on December 1st.

After whetting the appetite of fans and the press with the songs included in the first EP, Emmy Curl unveiled her first feature, «Navia», on some of the main national stages. After his participation in the Festival da Canção with “To smile I don't need anything”, theme composed by Júlio Resende, he will release his next work “Dança da Lua e do Sol”.

On December 7th, it will be the turn of VOLUTE, an imaginary place, a borderland, invisible. Everything is possible in it. The dream merges with reality. A show created by Rui Neto, with the interpretation of Margarida Cardeal with Cristina Milho, Drica Gomes, Martyn Gama, Roger Madureira, and with the Vozes Em Fixo (Sandra D'Andrade as soloist).

All presentations will start at 21 pm, at CAPa – Algarve Performing Arts Center, located at Rua Frei Lourenço de Santa Maria, 30, Faro.

The ticket price is 6 euros, with the exception of the reading staged by Marco Martins, which will have free admission.

Reservations can be made through the email [email protected], numbers 289 828 784/ 96117 30 34, or on the Facebook page of DeVIR|CAPa: .front cover.

