ISE of the University of Algarve turns 30 and reflects on “The role of Engineering in Society”

Instituto Superior de Engenharia has already graduated 4840 graduates

The Superior Institute of Engineering (ISE) of the University of Algarve will mark its 30th anniversary with a conference that will reflect on “The role of Engineering in Society”, this Wednesday, October 17, at 14 pm, at the José Silvestre amphitheater , at the Penha Campus.

After this conference, several presentations and exchange of experiences from former and current students follow.

According to the University of Algarve, «the initiative will also serve to discuss the future of this engineering, in a debate extended to all participants».

António Mortal, director of the ISE, makes an extremely positive assessment of these thirty years. «It is gratifying to see that the engineers trained in this School belong to the staff of most companies in the Algarve, and we cannot forget all the others who are working in various parts of the world».

In his perspective, «the core objective of the ISE courses was, and continues to be, to ensure adequate training, so that graduates can quickly integrate into the labor market, adding value to the economy».

Another major objective, he says, «is to ensure the ongoing training of technical staff, always adapting to the demands of society and the labor market and offering, in addition to professional higher technical courses, degrees, continuity masters and others of a more professional".

With pride, António Mortal says: «during these thirty years we have graduated 4840 graduates in all study cycles».

In his opinion, it remains indisputable that engineers actively contribute to the development of society. «Engineering is present in all activities and in all sectors associated with human consumption. However, people know little about engineering, even though they are surrounded by technological structures, such as mobile phones, computers and cars, they use this equipment on a day-to-day basis, without realizing many of the engineering processes incorporated in these technologies'.

In recent years, explains António Mortal, «we have been absorbing a succession of technological innovations, ever more rapidly, that lead to disruptive changes. To adapt and follow this trend, society still needs more engineers, in all areas of knowledge».

António Mortal also states that «the deficit of engineers, in developed societies, is recognized worldwide, but fortunately there are signs that the perception of young people and families is changing in relation to engineering courses».

In his opinion, the demand for engineers by companies is greater than the supply. «Engineering is without a doubt a profession with a future».

The session ends with the performance of the Jazz Group of the University of Algarve.

