Supplying Market of Faro reinforces equity

camera of Faro remains in the shareholder structure

The Supply Market of the Region of Faro (MARF) has just promoted an operation to recapitalize the company, thus bringing the nominal share capital closer to its real capital (equity).

"The capital increase was fully carried out in cash, through the conversion of supplies, without recourse to the entry of new monetary means, raising the financial participation of SIMAB SA to 95%", explains the CEO of the Group and chairman of the Board of Directors of the company MARF SA.

Rui Paulo Figueiredo says that, in this way, MARF SA sees its equity capital strengthened and, “consequently, the financial indicators that make it possible to make the most appropriate financing options available for the pursuit of the company's activity are improved”.

The General Assembly, presided over by Rogério Bacalhau, deliberated – on a proposal by Rui Paulo Figueiredo – that the Municipal Council of Faro maintained in the company's shareholder structure, «including representation» assumed in the corporate bodies.

The two shareholders unanimously decided to carry out the operation, after which the share capital was distributed as follows: SCIMAB 1 345 620 registered shares, equivalent to 6 714 643,80 euros, and Municipal Council of Faro – 65 registered shares, equivalent to 665 euros.

