War broke out between the militants of We Citizens! in Portimão

The National Political Commission of We Citizens! he reaffirmed, in a statement, "total political confidence" in Cristina Velha, as "sole representative" […]

The National Political Commission of We Citizens! he reaffirmed, in a statement, "total political confidence" in Cristina Velha, as the party's "only representative" in the Municipal Assembly of Portimão.

The statement, sent to the Sul Informação, adds that «the member Mário Cintra, from Portimão, has been making incoherent statements about the Municipal Deputy Cristina Velha, but without any validity».

According to the National Political Commission of the NC, Mário Cintra is "suspended from his positions and functions, due to the fact that a disciplinary process is taking place against him".

This taking of a public position comes after Mário Cintra, who continues to present himself as president of the Political Committee of Portimão do Nós Cidadãos!, sent another statement to the newspapers today, stating that this council, meeting last day 25 May, as well as the Assembly of Militants, which met on 8 June, «unanimously approved and ratified the withdrawal of political confidence in Cristina Maria de Sousa Velha, militant no. 276, representing Us, Citizens! In the Municipal Assembly of Portimão».

«Mrs Municipal Deputy Cristina Maria de Sousa Velha will no longer represent, as of June 11, 2018, in the Municipal Assembly of Portimão, the We, Citizens Party! de Portimão”, adds the note sent by Mário Cintra to the newspapers, where he even adds that “all interventions, votes and explanations of vote of Mrs. Cristina Maria de Sousa Velha will be her entire responsibility, as long as she remains a member of this Municipal Assembly ».

A version of the facts that is entirely refuted by that party's National Political Commission.

Cristina Velha, speaking to the Sul Informação, regrets the communiqués released by Mário Cintra and by the “group of militants” that he “headed”, and which, he guarantees, “intend to attack me and affect my credibility and good name”.

"The alleged Assembly of Militants did not constitute a legal assembly and was held against the law and the Statutes, lacking legitimacy, like everything this gentleman has done, discrediting the party."

The municipal deputy, the only one elected by the NC in Portimão, added: "I enjoy the unrestricted political trust" of the party's national bodies, being president of the council's Militants Assembly, "any alleged dismissal is not legal, since the Assembly (the legitimate one) has no competence to do so».

"I am also the only deputy elected by the party in Portimão, which I am very proud of, and I will continue to represent the party in the Municipal Assembly and to work for the citizens of this municipality," said Cristina Velha to our newspaper.

Mário Cintra, being suspended and subject to disciplinary proceedings, cannot "sign documents, nor make statements in any of the qualities that he continues to arrogate to himself," he stressed.

«Finally, the only valid Assembly of Militants will be the one that is convened by me, as president of the respective Bureau, and in which I participate», concluded Cristina Velha.

