“Summer Dreams” occupy children in Albufeira on holidays and registration is about to open

The application period for the “Summer Dreams” program, a project designed to occupy the free time of […]

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The registration period for the program “Sonhos de Verão”, a project aimed at occupying the free time of children who attend pre-school in the public schools in the municipality of Albufeira, will take place on the 17th and 18th of May. 

Trips to the beach and the pool, music, dance, plastic arts, cinema, cooking and outdoor trips are some of the proposals that are part of the program, which will take place at the Correeira Kindergarten, from 6 to 31 August.

“Sonhos de Verão” is the title of the recreational and educational activities program that the Municipality of Albufeira makes available to the little ones during the summer holidays.

The program, which is being held for the fifth consecutive year, is aimed at children attending Kindergartens in the municipality's public network (residents), whose parents or guardians are working during the month of August.

From the 6th to the 31st of August, between 8:30 am and 17 pm, children can participate in a diverse set of activities ranging from trips to the beach and the pool, to culinary experiences, plastic expression, music, dance, cinema, traffic circuit, story time, outdoor walks, games and relaxation sessions tailored for your age.

With this initiative, the municipality intends to promote the global and harmonious development of children, socialization and peer relationships.

José Carlos Rolo, mayor of Albufeira, says that «Summer is a very complicated period, as tourism is at its peak, which makes it very difficult to reconcile the professional activity of parents and the monitoring of children, who at this point they are on vacation».

The mayor from Albufeirense justifies the importance of the program, "which, in addition to allowing families to leave their children safely, gives children the opportunity to discover new experiences and experiences, allowing them to enrich relationships with others in an informal way, learning in a fun, healthy and pedagogical way through activities guided by professionals».

Enrollment for the program takes place on the 17th and 18th of May, between 9:30 am and 16:30 pm, at the Education and Social Action Division of the Municipality of Albufeira, at the Páteo premises. For more information about the project, please call 289 599 688 or email: [email protected]

