January ends with a super moon…blue

Tomorrow's Full Moon, the last day of January, will be the second of the month, as the first happened soon […]

Tomorrow's Full Moon, the last day of January, will be the second of the month, since the first it happened on the 1st. Anglophone people call the second Full Moon of the same month “Blue Moon” (the origin of this expression is obscure, having nothing to do with the color of the Moon at that time).

These events are so unusual that they gave rise to the expression “once in a Blue Moon” (once every Blue Moon), to signify the rarity of something.

But this "Blue Moon" will be even rarer because, in addition to being a super moon (occurring a day after it has reached its perigee again), it will be very close to the plane of Earth's orbit, being covered by the Earth's shadow, which will result in a Total Eclipse of the Moon. Unfortunately, this event will take place at 13:30 (mainland time) and is therefore not visible in Portugal.

