Rui is autistic and needs everyone's help to have an assistance dog

Rui Marques is 16 years old, lives in Porches (Lagoa), likes to paint and has even won a painting prize. […]

Rui, in the middle, with his father and mother

Rui Marques is 16 years old, lives in Porches (Lagoa), likes to paint and has even won a painting prize. When he was 2 and a half years old, he was diagnosed with severe autism, a disease that makes him lack autonomy. Despite the unconditional support, the family wants to leave young Rui “as well prepared as possible” for his adult life. An assistance dog would be “a great help”, but Rui (father) and Elsa (mother) do not have enough money to buy it.

Rui is the center of attention at the Marques family home, despite his refuge being a corner of the living room where he sits at the computer. It's school holidays, so there's more time to research cars, one of his great passions.

Since the beginning of this school year, he has attended the Manuel Teixeira Gomes Secondary School, in Portimão, after having been a student at the EB 2,3 das Ferreiras, in Albufeira, until last school year. He is in the Arts course and, guarantees his mother Elsa, «he is very perfect in everything he does».

Computers, painting and cars are, then, three of Rui's passions. But there is another: dogs. The family, which is unconditionally dedicated to young Rui, did a lot of research and read before making a decision: to get a dog for their son.

“It would be an asset to him. Basically, a dog could help Rui to be more autonomous. For example, my son cannot walk alone in the street and, even indoors, he must always be with him. When crossing a road, he is not aware of the danger», explains Rui Marques.

But the patriarch is the only support in the house. Elsa doesn't work because she has to be “always available” for her child. From the State, they receive 90 euros, per month, of a support allowance for the third person.

Rui with one of his paintings

With Rui's salary, family income reaches around 900 euros. The dog costs 5, with training included. "If we don't have help, we can't," says the father.

Therefore, the Portuguese Association of Assistance Dogs, which, since 2014, has already certified 8 dogs de assistance, exposed the case and is raising funds to buy the dog for Rui.

As soon as he receives the assistance dog, young Rui already has a name to give him: “Sadam!” he says, excited. Mother Elsa explains why, with a smile on her face. «We had a dog, which was Sadam, which Rui adored. Sometimes he hurt us, but never Rui».

The young man is accompanied by medical specialist Guiomar Oliveira, from the Hospital and University Center of Coimbra, where he goes every year. One of those consultations was special. “Two years ago, the doctor congratulated us because people with more favorable diagnoses didn't get the results we did. Our son can read and write, for example», says Elsa Marques.

This is despite the fact that Rui's mother considers that the Portuguese population is, in general, poorly informed about autism. “There are people who think it's a problem with their ears… In some countries, there's even a day for autistic people to go shopping,” he says.

Elsa's mother holds a diploma awarded to her son

The young Rui there continues, in his corner, at the computer, but he is also attentive to the conversation. Elsa and Rui are sitting on the sofa, next to him, and while they talk, they're also looking at their son.

“Everything we do is for him. There are difficult days, of course there are, but we try everything to make our child better prepared for when we are not here. This is our panic».

Who knows if 2018 will bring Rui a new four-legged friend, Sadam.


NOTE: To help this young man to have a more autonomous life, he can make a bank transfer to the general NIB of the Portuguese Assistance Dogs Association: 003300004546230881305.
The IBAN is PT 50 003300004546230881305.

When making the transfer, you must indicate that the donation is to Rui Marques, from Lagoa, as an account will not be opened for this cause only.

To find out how much money is already raised, just contact the Association on 917 279 155 or through Facebook.
O Sul Informação will keep track of the evolution of the campaign.

