UAlg Master's students promote awareness night about the problem of marine litter

An awareness-raising night for the problem of marine litter, the “Awareness Raising Night: Marine Debris”, will take place tomorrow, […]

Gannett with plastic hanging from its beak, photographed off Sagres – Photo: Elisabete Rodrigues|Sul Informação

An awareness-raising night for the problem of marine litter, the “Awareness Raising Night: Marine Debris”, will take place tomorrow, the 6th, from 18 pm, at the Red Amphitheater of building 00 (Faculty of Economics) on the University Campus of Gambelas of the Algarve.

“Every year, more than 8 million tons of plastic enter the oceans. All this garbage has frightening impacts on the marine environment and is already reaching the tables of those who consume fish», stress the organizers.

To make the population aware of the problem, the event will feature a small exhibition with marine litter collected at Praia de Faro and with the screening of the documentary “A Plastic Ocean”, which will serve as a starting point for the debate between the public and the experts present.

The organization adds that after the documentary there will be a coffee break, but that disposable cups will not be available. So, whoever wants a drink should be accompanied by their own mug or glass.

The event is free, open to all interested but seats are limited.

The event is an initiative promoted by the students of the International Masters IMBRSea – International Master of Science in Marine Biological Resources, with the collaboration of Straw Patrol, CCMar – Center for Marine Sciences, CIMA – Center for Marine and Environmental Research, Sciaena – Association of Marine Sciences and Cooperation, Centro Ciência Viva do Algarve.

This event was funded by IMBRSea and by Professor Karim Erzini from the University of Algarve and researcher at CCMar.

