Loulé GNR seizes 12 thousand doses of hash

The GNR seized 12 thousand doses of hashish and detained four men for drug trafficking this Tuesday, 28th of […]

The GNR seized 12 doses of hashish and detained four men for drug trafficking this Tuesday, 28 November, in Loulé.

These suspects, aged between 36 and 41, were part of a drug trafficking network that operated in the Algarve, Setúbal and Lisbon.

According to the GNR, “the inquiry had been going on for about six months, culminating in the approach to one of the individuals”, in Via do Infante (A22).

This suspect tried to circulate against the grain, ending up going astray, and was arrested in possession of "more than four kilos of hashish".

The detainees, all with criminal records for the commission of the same crime and robberies, were constituted as defendants, subject to a term of identity and residence.

The action had the collaboration of the NIC de Setúbal, the Intervention Group for Special Operations of the Intervention Unit, the Intervention Detachment of Faro, the Loulé Territorial Detachment and the Transit Detachment of Faro, in a total of 60 committed military personnel.

