Câmara de Ourique closes the EB 2,3 and Secondary School Pavilion spa after detection of legionella

The Council of Ourique closed today, as a precaution, the spa at the Pavilhão Gimnodesportivo at Escola EB 2,3 and Secundária da […]

The Council of Ourique closed today, as a precaution, the spa at the Pavilhão Gimnodesportivo at Escola EB 2,3 and Escola Secundária da Vila, after routine analyzes ordered by the local authority had detected «a value of Legionella».

The Alentejo autarchy announced that "immediately, the spa was closed", having been contacted the Public Health Authority, and initiated "further investigations that led to the triggering of a preventive intervention and the adoption of disinfection mechanisms".

The City Council of Ourique emphasizes, in a statement, that "by the will of the legislator, Municipalities managing equipment for public use are not obliged to analyze the quality of water used in these buildings".

However, on its own initiative and for the «defense of public health», the Municipality of Ourique «performs regular analyzes of the water quality of the most used public facilities». It was following one of these analyzes that the presence of Legionella.

The local authority adds that, in conjunction with the School's management, it will do everything possible to "overcome as quickly as possible the inconvenience caused by the closure of the pavilion's women's spa."

In addition, he concludes, "although it is not mandatory", the Chamber "will continue to carry out regular analyzes to assess the quality of water in public facilities to ensure the well-being and health of our residents."

