Municipal Firefighters in Olhão attend promotion courses

Since this Monday, 20 November, the Municipal Firefighters of Olhão have been attending career promotion courses, with the participation [...]

Since this Monday, 20 November, the Municipal Firefighters of Olhão have been attending career promotion courses, with the participation of the National Firefighters School. 

In the opening session, António Pina, mayor of Olhão, expressed his satisfaction, referring that this is "an important and old goal, now achieved".

The courses cover a large part of the workforce, with a total of 36 candidates, and are carried out in accordance with the order that regulates the courses for promotion in the career of municipal firefighters.

The training, lasting 35 hours, covers subjects such as urban, industrial and forest firefighting operations, vehicles and special installations, operations management system, leadership and human motivation, and civil construction and maneuvers.

The courses now being held are the culmination of the internal mobility process, initiated earlier this year by the Municipality of Olhão, with a view to providing the fire department with new categories, «indispensable for the proper functioning of the service, and which is expected completed by the end of 2017», says the Chamber of Olhão.

