European Parliament approves WiFi4EU to promote free internet access in public places

The European Parliament (EP) today approved the WiFi4EU program, aimed at promoting the installation of free access points to […]

The European Parliament (EP) today approved the WiFi4EU program, aimed at promoting the installation of free wireless internet access points in public spaces such as parks, squares, town halls, libraries and hospitals.

"Providing all Europeans with free and unrestricted access to high quality internet in public places is a measure of great symbolism, which has a lot of political force and has great transformative potential", said MEP Carlos Zorrinho (S&D), EP rapporteur on the WiFi4EU initiative in the plenary debate.

The regulation “guarantees neutrality in internet access, also guarantees the selection of the best technology to be applied in each case, guarantees access regardless of geographic location and also the income of users. It does not discriminate against anyone or any territory. It has a simple application system and a unique validation. Therefore, WiFi4EU is the embryo of a European Gigabit Society, competitive and inclusive”, added the MEP.

City councils, libraries, hospitals and other public entities will be able to apply for funding to install local wireless access points using simple administrative procedures. It is estimated that by 2020, more than 6000 public places will benefit from this initiative.

The first applications must be launched before the end of this year or early next year. The EU will finance the costs of equipping and installing the hotspots, with beneficiaries ensuring that free Wi-Fi services are provided to citizens for at least three years. The regulation provides for forms of financial assistance, for example in the form of vouchers, to cover up to 100% of eligible costs.

Carlos Zorrinho said he is convinced that, “having managed to mobilize, in a technical and complex negotiation, 120 million euros to start, we will be able to bring together structural funds, national funds, public and private, to have a very robust, very strong and very important process. for the future of Europe”.

“WiFi4EU is a small step for us, but it is a big step for the European Union to play a leading role in the development of an inclusive, open, transparent, creative and people-friendly digital society. Let's connect with this idea”, he concluded.

The agreement between the EP and the EU Council of Ministers on the WiFi4EU initiative, reached in May, was approved in plenary by 582 votes in favour, 98 against and nine abstentions. The regulation will still have to be approved by the Council and should enter into force in the coming months.



