João Guimarães won the 2017 António Ramos Rosa poetry award

The poet João Luís Barreto Guimarães was the winner of the 2017 edition of the António Ramos National Poetry Award […]

The poet João Luís Barreto Guimarães was the winner of the 2017 edition of the António Ramos Rosa National Poetry Award and will receive this award at a ceremony scheduled for September 2, at 17:30 pm, at the Municipal Library of Faro.

The writer will receive a prize of 5 thousand euros and joins the poets Fernando Echevarria, Fernando Guimarães, Nuno Júdice, João Rui de Sousa and Luís Quintais, "relevant figures in the panorama of national poetics", who conquered previous editions of prize, according to the Chamber of Faro.

João Guimarães receives this award for his work Mediterraneo (Quetzal publishing house), in a unanimous decision of the jury, made up of poets and university professors Nuno Júdice and José Tolentino de Mendonça and by the professor at the University of Algarve, Adriana Freire Nogueira.

This book, published in 2016, is the latest by the 50-year-old writer, born in Porto, which has already released seven works of poetry, the first seven republished in “Poesia Reunida” (2011), followed by “Você está aqui” (2013) and “Mediterranean” (2016).

The award of this prize, an initiative of the Chamber of Faro which is now in its 6th edition (it was recovered in 2016 after five years of interregnum), is carried out with the high sponsorship of the Millennium BCP Foundation and with the support of Delta Cafés, FNAC, Hotel Faro, Restaurant Tertúlia Algarvia, Faro Boutique Hotel and Regional Directorate for Culture of the Algarve.

