Salir Tourism Office returns to the old primary school

The Salir Tourism Office opens its doors tomorrow in a new space, taking advantage of the fact that this Thursday, […]

Tomorrow, the Salir Tourism Office opens its doors in a new space, taking advantage of the fact that this Thursday, 25th of May, is a municipal holiday in Loulé and the date of the Festa da Espiga.

Currently operating at the Museological Pole, this Post will return to the former primary school building, where it was located for several years.

It is a more central space (in the main artery of the town) and ampler, allowing to provide a better service and information to all visitors.

In addition to serving the public, the space will have a large exhibition area on the first floor. From the 25th of May until the 23rd of June, an exhibition on the theme “Traditional Dry Orchard” will be open to the public at the site. Admission is free.

The Salir Tourist Office will be open from Monday to Friday (except holidays), from 9:00 am to 13:00 pm and from 14:00 pm to 17:00 pm.

