EN125 cut tonight and next night to demolish Maritenda and Fontainhas piers

National Road 125 will be cut tonight and the next, between 20:00 a day and […]

National Road 125 will be cut tonight and the next, between 20 pm one day and 00 am the next, to demolish the overpasses of the railway at Maritenda (Loulé) and Fontainhas (Albufeira).

The cuts, however, will never be “implemented simultaneously”. Tonight, March 7, according to the Sul Informação at the Rotas do Algarve Litoral (RAL) concessionaire, traffic will be cut off on the EN125 in the Maritenda pontoon area, while tomorrow night (March 8) the same will happen at Fontainhas.

On the night of Thursday, March 9, "if the work is not completed on the scheduled dates", there may be another cut, in a place to be announced.

To compensate for these cuts, traffic detours will be properly marked (see maps in more detail by clicking here e here), which will be accompanied by GNR patrols positioned in strategic locations in order to help motorists.

RAL's source explained that these temporary cuts to the EN125 are needed to "install the cranes that will remove the beams from the overpasses and that need to occupy the two lanes, in an area of ​​the road where there is practically no verge".


Traffic diversion this Tuesday night, March 7th, in the Maritenda area (Boliqueime, Loulé)

After the demolition of the two pontoons, traffic in these two areas of the Maritenda and the crossing of Fontainhas will be done alternately, even during the day, while the work on the structures is taking place.

"There will then be work in both places, namely steel frame and formwork," explained the source contacted by Sul Informação.

In other words, the forecast is that traffic in this area of ​​the EN125, along more than 10 kilometers of the section that crosses the municipalities of Albufeira and Loulé, will suffer delays and cause queues, so even outside the hours when the road is cut off , the best thing is to continue using the alternative paths or Via do Infante.

The RAL, responsible for the works in progress on the EN125, predict that these interventions on the two pontoons of Maritenda and Fontainhas will take “six months”, moreover because, due to the movement of trains on the Algarve Line, a large part of the work can only be carried out. during the night.

Last year, in May, the total cut of the road section between Maritenda and Fontainhas was planned for two months, so that the works could advance more quickly. But the inconvenience that this would cause to traffic on the most important road in the Algarve, at the beginning of the busiest period of tourism, prevented this intention of the RAL from going forward, when the detours were already implemented and signaled on the ground, like the Sul Informação reported, first hand.

«Doing this, in phases, the works take longer, about six months. We chose the night time for the works, as it has less traffic on the EN125, but also because of the railway», said the source at Rotas do Algarve Litoral.

This intervention in the overpasses of the railway at Maritenda and Fontainhas is part of the work “Contract for the Conception, Project, Construction and Rehabilitation of Road Sections Associated with the Algarve Litoral Sub-concession”.


Traffic diversion on Wednesday night, March 8, in Fontainhas (Albufeira)


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