In the European Union, anyone who wants to resolve consumer disputes just has to go online

The resolution of consumer disputes at European level can now be done online, through the European Litigation Platform […]

online consumptionThe resolution of consumer disputes at the European level can now be done online, through the European Online Litigation Platform (RLL), a tool created by the European Union very focused on new consumption habits, which increasingly involve the purchase of goods and services across borders via the Internet.

The importance of "development and improvement of means of alternative resolution of consumer conflicts by electronic means that are equally simple, fast and inexpensive", at a time when consumer relations are increasingly virtual and universal, was one of the themes centrals of the seminar «The Tourist Consumer in the Digital Age», which the Algarve Regional Coordination and Development Commission hosted yesterday, Monday.

«The functioning of these means of resolving consumer disputes is based on the availability of an electronic platform that operationalizes the contact between consumers and traders in order to seek a satisfactory understanding with the intervention of Dispute Arbitration Centers», summarized the CCDR of Algarve.

The seminar, promoted by the Enterprise Europe Network and Center Europe Direct services, in collaboration with the CEC – European Consumer Center, brought together entrepreneurs, tourism professionals, travel agents and technicians from organizations dealing with citizenship issues in the auditorium of the Algarve and consumption.

