Câmara de Olhão “cuts evil in the bud” in Bairro 11 de Março

Bairro 11 de Março, in Olhão, will receive «outdoor works» from Monday, 3rd October. […]

2016-234-obra-neighborhood-11-marchBairro 11 de Março, in Olhão, will receive «outdoor works» from Monday, 3rd October. These works aim to remove roots that are damaging the interior of houses.

In this first phase, the works will focus on Rua Henrique Pousão.

According to the Chamber of Olhão, this intervention is «long-awaited by the residents of this residential area of ​​the city” and aims to “remove the roots of trees that cause damage to the interior of houses”.

Once these roots have been removed, the pedestrian pavement and parking area will be regularized.

The municipality of Olho explains that "these works are part of a set of small interventions taking place throughout the county promoted by the municipality, which aim to improve the quality of life of residents."

