Ministers freed croakers and saw "flying" mackerel off Olhão (with photos)

Maritime Minister Ana Paula Vitorino and Deputy Minister – and her husband – Eduardo Cabrita sailed, this […]

Minister of the sea releases croakers (1)This morning, the Minister of the Sea Ana Paula Vitorino and the Deputy Minister – and her husband – Eduardo Cabrita sailed off Olhão, where, in addition to having witnessed the release of about 12 croakers and 5 bream raised at the Pilot Station of Piscicultura de Olhão, IPMA, were able to observe the tuna feeding process in the Tunipex frame.

“I had never seen a mackerel cannon!” said Eduardo Cabrita, as he watched the sea agitation caused by the tuna that received the projected food from a vessel, which, every day, supplies 14 tons of mackerel to the fish trapped in the frame.

This moment was one of the highlights of the visit of the two governors, who arrived before 10:00 am at the fishing port of Olhão, to release the croakers and sea bream, accompanied by José Apolinário, Secretary of State for Fisheries.

Ana Paula Vitorino, in a relaxed style, showed curiosity about the whole process, and, armed with her cell phone, she filmed and photographed a little of everything that was going on around her.

The fish released today were bred in captivity and intend to repopulate croakers and sea bream, and for now the main purpose is to observe their behavior in freedom.

To the 12 thousand croakers released this Thursday, there are about 18 thousand that were released at the end of July.

If, like Eduardo Cabrita, you had never seen a mackerel cannon, take the opportunity and see how it is in the photo gallery below:


Photos: Nuno Costa|Sul Informação



