This was the 2nd hottest month of July since 1931

This was the second hottest month of July since 1931, with an average air temperature value […]

heatThis was the second hottest month of July since 1931, with an average air temperature of 24.33°C, 2.16°C warmer than the average value for the 1971-2000 period, revealed the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and the Atmosphere .

According to IPMA, the previous highest value had occurred in June 1989, with 24.63°C.

On the other hand, also the average value of the maximum air temperature, which reached 32.19°C last month, was much higher than the normal value (+3.47°C), being the highest value since 1931.

The previous highest value of the maximum had been registered in 2010, when it reached 31.75°C.

IPMA also adds that the average minimum air temperature, 16.47 °C, was also higher than the average value (+0.85 °C) and corresponds to the 8th highest value since 1931 (previous highest value in 1989, 17.54 °C) .

