Beja is the city of Tales for five days

Beja is the city of tales for five days: the Words Andarilhas event and the Festival of Tales of the World are held […]

primage_16847Beja is the city of tales for five days: the Words Andarilhas event and the Festival of Tales from the World take place between August 24th and 28th, in various parts of the city, and also promote oral tradition, poetry and music. microfiction

This will be the 4th edition of “Palavras Andarilhas”, which takes place in the Public Garden of Beja and, this year, has as its background themes “the wonderful in oral tradition, the mediation of reading in childhood and youth, highlighting some lesser genres discussed and that seem to be good tools for mediators: poetry and microfiction», adds the Câmara de Beja.

In addition to conferences, there will be writing workshops with authors such as Maria Teresa Andruetto, Evelio Cabrejo Parra, or the Portuguese Afonso Cruz.

Since 1999, the “Palavras Andarilhas” «is assumed as a meeting for reflection on the promotion of reading and oral narration», adds the municipality.

This year, the Festival of Tales of the World will also animate Beja, who will bring “through the mouths of the world's accountants, words that speak to us about other places and other dreams, as many as the narrators that count in this edition”, says the Chamber.

The Historic Center and the Public Garden will be the stage for some of the initiatives of this Festival, as well as other spaces in the city such as Teatro Pax Júlia.

«From the Festival, the evenings at the Public Garden stand out, aimed at audiences of all ages; the cool, complicit nights spent around narrators from Portugal, Spain, Argentina, Cuba, Ireland and Japan; or the artistic experiences that cross many languages ​​and perspectives such as Pasta e Basta – An Italian Mambo, a show with texts by Afonso Cruz that premieres in Beja, on Sunday, a version for the youngest, in a special session for children from 3 years old», concludes the Câmara de Beja.



