The arts of the god Neptune give new life to the fish transporter at the Museu de Portimão

«Neptune, the god of the seas, means abundance, strength, dreams and even romanticism, because he was a god with many passions. These […]

Neptune at the Museum of Portimão_01«Neptune, the god of the seas, means abundance, strength, dreams and even romanticism, because he was a god with many passions. These basic ideas and this museum, because of the story it tells and the place where it is located, were what led me to design this exhibition," he explained to Sul Informação the artist Elizabeth Almeida, at the opening of the exhibition/art installation «Neptuno», at the Museu de Portimão.

The intervention is divided into two moments and two spaces, which complement each other: in the atrium, four illuminated and colorful sculptures represent so many other creatures of the sea. The pieces, mounted on the trident that is one of Neptune's main attributes and almost his symbol, are presented as «jewels» by the artist.

But, because this exhibition/installation starts inside the museum and extends to the outside, taking advantage of pieces who are out by the river, Elizabeth Almeida decided to "rescue the fish transporter and the idea of ​​sea food, always abundant".

And that's how, once again playing with lighting, on the conveyor, which recreates the ancient path of the fish conducted from the boats' hold to the interior of the factory where the museum now operates, wicker baskets, illuminated by LEDs, were now placed .

The effect of all these pieces is more visible at night…and it fits well, because the Portimão Museum is open until 23:00, until the end of August.

At the inauguration of the exhibition/intervention, which took place on Friday night, José Gameiro, scientific director of the Museum, stressed that this initiative is “an opportunity to link contemporary art to history” and also to “honor canneries and fishermen who worked here».

The exhibition/art installation “Neptuno”, by Elizabeth Almeida, has the UNESCO and International Year of Light seal, and patronage of the Millennium bcp Foundation. During the next year, this exhibition will start touring other Algarve municipalities.

To culminate the exhibition, there was a tasting promoted by Docapesca, in collaboration with the Hotel and Tourism School of Portimão, where fresh or preserved fish from the Portuguese auctions will also evoke memories of the sea in guests. All this, accompanied by good wines from Portimão.


Photos: Elisabete Rodrigues|Sul Informação


