Câmara de Silves distributes 15 oleões in the parishes of the county

Fifteen oleões, with the capacity to collect domestic oils, were placed by the Silves Chamber in the various parishes of the municipality. These equipments cost […]

The lionFifteen oleões, with the capacity to collect domestic oils, were placed by the City Council of Silves in the various parishes of the municipality. These equipments cost the municipality 12.500 euros.

According to the City Council, this measure aims to "ensure more structures that allow for the correct separation of waste and the implementation of good environmental practices, since cooking oil, so often disposed of through the pipes of homes, ends up causing pollution, which in this way , can be avoided'.

The Municipality of Silves "appeals to the conscience of all residents, in the sense of being able to correctly deposit these residues, using the oils now available".

Lions can be found in the following places:


• Next to the EB1 school of Enxerim

• Next to the recycling bins on the side of LIDL

• Next to EB23

Saint Bartholomew of Messines:

• Site of Portela next to the existing ecopoints

• Roundabout of Rua 1º Maio and Rua António Aleixo

Pear Frame:

• Next to the moloks between the fishing supports and the old football field “As Gaivotas”

• Next to the recycling bins placed at the rear of the municipal market

San Marcos da Serra:

• Rua do Comércio, next to the ecopoints


• Municipal Market Square

• Rua Monsenhor Sezinando Oliveira Rosa, next to the clothes collection depots


• Rua João de Deus next to the molok located in front of the Municipal Market

• Rua do Levante, Fontainhas, next to the recycling bins


• Rua do Palmeiral, in front of the EB1 school next to the moloks

• Jardim Luís Augusto Mascarenhas, with the moloks


• Rua 25 de Abril, next to the recycling bins.

