Mayors and business associations demand immediate stop of the oil and gas process in the Algarve

Mayors and business associations demand an immediate halt to the process of prospecting for oil and natural gas in […]

Anti-exploitation protest Petroleum Algarve_1Mayors and business associations demand an immediate halt to the process of prospecting for oil and natural gas in the Algarve. This joint position came from a meeting that yesterday, January 11, brought together the presidents of the Intermunicipal Community of the Algarve (AMAL), and of the business associations NERA, AIHSA, AHETA, CEAL, ACRAL and ANJE, with a view to evaluating and uniting positions on this subject.

At that meeting, stresses AMAL, «the position of these entities became clear: No to prospecting and exploration of oil and natural gas in the Algarve!»

This common position of mayors and entrepreneurs appears on the day that, in Faro, National Entity for the Fuel Market (ENMC) promotes a public clarification session about oil prospecting and research in the Algarve, scheduled for 18 pm, in the auditorium of the School of Health of the University of Algarve.

AMAL recalls that, since 2005, it has been following this matter "in an attentive and concerned manner, despite the secrecy and lack of information from successive Governments to municipalities, the Algarve Intermunicipal Community, regional entities and citizens."

Regardless of the way in which the process was conducted by the different Governments, the representatives of AMAL and of business associations in the Algarve state, «vehemently, that they disagree and are firmly opposed to the start and development of this activity».

This position is due to the fact that they consider that "only the announcement of the prospecting generates negative consequences for the region's economic activity".

Furthermore, its implementation in terms of exploration “would put at risk the future of the Algarve in economic terms, namely tourism, the main sector in the region”.

"This eventual reality is not consistent with the sustainable development advocated and defended for the region by the various economic and political agents, based on the most varied tourist aspects, in the enhancement of endogenous resources and non-polluting or clean industry, using renewable energies, that's the way forward”, emphasize the associations, in a joint statement.

They stress that “tourism is the engine of the regional economy” and this “is reflected in national terms”.

«The strength of the Algarve's tourism offer is based on the beauty of the landscape, the climate, the environment» Therefore, the start of this process may, in the opinion of the presidents of AMAL and business associations, constitute «a fatal blow to the future Of region".

The results, if the exploration of oil and natural gas advances, on land or sea, "put the region's economy at risk and do not justify the environmental and social damage that may result from this for the well-being of the region, its economy and from all the Algarve».

In conclusion, the presidents of AMAL and of the business associations manifest themselves “available for all appropriate actions, together with the citizens of the Algarve, to prevent this process”.

The statement is signed by Jorge Botelho, as AMAL president, Vitor Neto (NERA), Daniel do Adro (AIHSA), Elidérico Viegas (AHETA), Carlos Luís (CEAL), Victor Guerreiro (ACRAL) and Steven Piedade (ANJE).

