149 doctors start medical internship in the Algarve this January

A total of 149 doctors begin their training during this month of January, in the three Groupings of Centers in […]

Reception to internal doctors
Reception to internal doctors

A total of 149 doctors begin their training during this month of January, in the three Health Center Groups belonging to the area of ​​influence of the Regional Health Administration of the Algarve (ARS) and in the hospital units of the Centro Hospitalar do Algarve, announced the ARS .

Of these, 30 are interns from various hospital specialties, 18 are interns in General and Family Medicine, three are from Public Health in the 2015 Medical Internship - Specific Training, and 98 are interns of the Common Year (2016 Contest - Admission to the Year Common).

Of the General and Family Medicine interns placed in the three Health Center Groups (ACES) in the Algarve Region, 10 will undergo training at ACES Central, four at ACES do Barlavento and four at ACES do Sotavento.
Regarding Public Health inmates, one will be at ACES Central and two at ACES Barlavento.

At Centro Hospitalar do Algarve, 30 interns were placed in the following specialties: two in Anesthesiology, one in Cardiology, one in Gastroenterology, two in Gynecology/Obstetrics, two in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 11 in Internal Medicine, one in Nephrology, one from Neurology, one from Medical Oncology, two from Medical Pediatrics, one from Pulmonology, four from Psychiatry and one from Radiology.

In addition to the specialty intern doctors, the Algarve also receives 98 Common Year intern doctors for internships in the region's health services.

Reception to internal doctors

The ARS explains that "for these Interns, the so-called Common Year is the first year of work in the profession in the country, with the vast majority having completed the Medical Course in the last academic year."

Therefore, «despite practicing a supervised medicine and still without technical autonomy, they are a strong bet for the future, as a positive work experience, as well as good social integration in the region, will be factors influencing the subsequent choice of a vacancy. for the Specialty internship in NHS services» in the Algarve, stresses the ARS.

The common year's internal doctors were received this Thursday, January 7th, at the headquarters of the ARS Algarve, by Moura Reis, president of the Board of Directors of the entity, and by Elsa Ramos, responsible for the Human Resources Unit of the ARS Algarve, in a session where they had the opportunity to clarify doubts about the professional relationship they formed with the signing of the employment contract as part of their training and to get to know some of the main areas of intervention in primary health care, public health and hospital care in the Algarve.

In the same scope, the intern physicians of the General and Family Medicine and Public Health specialties were also received in a small welcome session, with a reception session for the intern physicians of the hospital specialties being planned for next week.

During the session, the president of the ARS congratulated the new interns for having chosen the Algarve for this stage of their training, showing his satisfaction with the «continuous increase in the number of interns who, in recent years, have sought the Algarve for their internship. in primary care as well as in hospital care'.

Moura Reis also highlighted that the interns will have all the necessary support and follow-up from the ARS during their training path and during their stay in the region, leaving the desire that, at the end of their training, they will choose to continue their professional path. in the Algarve.
The ARS stresses that, compared to last year, when the Algarve region received 145 inmates, “there is an increase in the number of inmates choosing the Algarve for internships, both in primary health care and in nursing hospital health, which could help to secure, in the near future, more medical professionals».

That body says it verifies "with satisfaction" that 20 inmates who attended the common year, in 2015, in the region, "chose to stay in the Algarve to carry out their specific training in the specialty".

In the past few weeks, cases of lack of human resources in the Algarve's health structures have been reported., situations that may now be at least somewhat alleviated by the entry of these new doctors.

