PO Algarve21 finances the improvement of the energy efficiency of the Hospital da Misericórdia in Portimão

Santa Casa da Misericórdia in Portimão invested close to 110 thousand euros to redesign the entire roof of the building […]

The entire roof of the hospital building was remodeled
The entire roof of the hospital building was remodeled

Santa Casa da Misericórdia in Portimão invested close to 110 thousand euros to redesign the entire roof of the hospital building of its Health Park, located on Avenida S. João de Deus, in Portimão, to improve its energy efficiency.

The project, approved at the end of 2013, received co-financing from the FEDER, through the Algarve 21 Operational Program (Energy Efficiency axis), for around 65% of the approved eligible investment amount.

The operation consisted of installing thermal insulation on the roof of the hospital building (which already housed the Hospital de Portimão) and adjacent fraction, in a total extension of approximately 2.880 square meters in sloping and flat roof and 127 square meters in exterior walls.

Following this intervention, and after analyzing the respective result indicators, the energy efficiency of the building became class B, «estimating, based on the first three months, primary energy (electrical) savings in the order of 81,5 .XNUMX MWh/year'.

Santa Casa da Misericórdia of Portimão emphasizes that, in the «continuation of investments already made in the last six years, the improvement of energy efficiency will continue to be an area of ​​interest and investment» for that institution.

