CCDR satisfied with joining the Cresc Algarve 2020 dissemination guide

The dissemination sessions of the Algarve Operational Program (Cresc Algarve 2020) are leaving the CCDR «satisfied» with the […]

presentationfarogrown 2020 (2)The dissemination sessions of the Algarve Operational Program (Cresc Algarve 2020) are leaving the CCDR «satisfied» with the adhesion of potential candidates for funds. So far, the two "stops" of the roon the 15th of April, in Albufeira, and on the 16th, in Faro, had an average of more than 200 participants in each session.

David Santos, president of the CCDR, told the Sul Informação that, "so far, there have been more than 200 people participating in the joint session", but that this number increases with the three parallel sessions (Business Incentive Systems, Employment, Inclusion, Training and Education (FSE) and Public Projects and Territory (ERDF), because "some people come only to the theme or competitiveness or inclusion or territoriality".

The interest in the new framework of support has been greater for David Santos, because, in addition to «the economy is growing, there is a clear bet from Europe, which Portugal accepted, that job creation is essentially generated by companies, hence whereas, in this context, support to companies increased from 63 million euros (2007-2013) to 145 million euros (2014-2020)'.

In the case of the Algarve region, the president of the CCDR considers that «sure bets on thepresentationfarogrown 2020 (1) sectors that can reduce unemployment in the region, that can create more sustainability through competitiveness and innovation transposition, which leads to greater transfers of knowledge from the University to the companies».

At the end of the table, the objective is to improve the employability situation in the region: «For me, the objective of Cresc Algarve 2020 is, when it ends, we can say that the region has more sustainable employment, less seasonal, and therefore less dependent on the niche Sun and beach".

By the end of March, a dozen competitions had been published, with a total allocation of 26 million euros from ERDF, within the scope of the incentive systems for companies of CRESC ALGARVE 2020.

The next session of the script is scheduled for the António Aleixo Cultural Center in Vila Real de Santo António, on April 21st, from 14:30 pm to 18:00 pm.

The last session is scheduled for April 22, from 9:30 am to 13:00 pm, in the auditorium of the Centro Cultural de Lagos.

