PHOTOGALERIA: Hundred and a half supported Greece in Faro and Portimão

One hundred and a half people participated, this Sunday, in the rallies in support of Greece, promoted in Faro and in Portimão. […]

One hundred and a half people participated, this Sunday, in the rallies in support of Greece, promoted in Faro and in Portimão.

In the capital of the Algarve, the concentration brought together close to a hundred people and took place in Jardim Bivar, next to Doca, tI have Greek and Portuguese music in the background. The informal assembly that took place there analyzed the European situation, starting from the question of the debt of its countries.

Several proposals were approved, some concerning the current situation in Greece, others on a national and local level, and others concerning Europe as a whole.

In Portimão, the initiative brought together around five dozen people. A parade was held from Largo 1º de Maio, in front of the Chamber, to Praça Manuel Teixeira Gomes, and a motion was approved, to be sent to the Prime Minister, the President of the Republic, the President of the Assembly of Republics, Parliamentary Groups, and to the Greek Embassy in Portugal.

The motion stresses that “it is shown that there are political alternatives to austerity in more or less harsh doses. In Greece, as in Portugal, austerity has generated a recessionary spiral, rising unemployment and the debt itself, no matter how much it is made up by the creative accounting of governments, regulators and rating agencies – the same ones that have covered up to the limit the financial bubbles and the failure of banks such as Lehman Brothers, BPN and the BES/GES group».

“The new Greek government's first anti-austerity measures – the end of privatizations and redundancies in the public administration, the replacement of the minimum wage before the entry of the Troika – and the proposals for the renegotiation of sovereign debts go in the right direction, pointing to a new direction for Europe”, the motion continues.

«The PSD/CDS government insists on a servile pose, “more Merkelist than Mrs. Merkel” that shames Portugal and harms the European economic recovery itself, particularly in the countries of the South; at the same time, in an opportunistic way, it anticipates the possible retreat of its guardians to safeguard the laurels of an eventual renegotiation of the debt that they always refused”, the document also adds.


