Lagos Cultural Center is temporarily closed

The Lagos Cultural Center will be closed until the 26th of January, due to adaptation works. THE […]

Lagos Cultural CenterThe Lagos Cultural Center will be closed until January 26th, due to adaptation works. Starting on January 27th, the space will also have a new opening hours.

According to a press release from the municipality, the works "are aimed at improving the safety conditions of the equipment and responding to current legal and regulatory requirements."

Although the Cultural Center reopens its doors to the public this month, the Duval Pestana Auditorium should only be reopened to the public in mid-March, when the work is scheduled to end.

When it reopens to the public, this equipment will also have new opening hours, being open from Tuesday to Saturday, from 10:00 am to 18:00 pm (closing on Sundays, Mondays and holidays).

On show days, the Centro Cultural de Lagos will be open until midnight.


