Most Portuguese intend to spend their holidays in their place of residence

Among the Portuguese who intend to take a vacation away from their place of residence (39%), only 13% admit going on vacation to […]

image004Among the Portuguese who intend to take a holiday away from their place of residence (39%), only 13% admit to going on holiday abroad, while 83% will stay in Portugal. But the majority of Portuguese (57%) should even spend their holidays in their own place of residence, a decision justified by the lack of financial availability by 45% of consumers.

These are some of the conclusions of the recent study by Observador Cetelem, which analyzed the consumption intentions of the Portuguese for the coming months.

The study also reveals that individuals between 25-34 years and 18-24 are those who declare the greatest intention to take holidays away from their place of residence (44% and 39% respectively).

Respondents aged 55-65, on the other hand, are the ones who most admit that they do not take holidays outside the place where they live due to lack of financial availability (64%).

«Although leisure and travel dominate consumer purchase intentions, the truth is that the effects of the crisis are still being felt and most Portuguese will stay at home during their holidays. Portugal is indicated as the main holiday destination, probably because it involves less expenses than traveling abroad and also because many consumers are keen to get to know their own country better», says Diogo Lopes Pereira, marketing director for Cetelem in Portugal.

This analysis was developed in collaboration with Nielsen and applied, through a telephone questionnaire, to 600 individuals, of both sexes, aged between 18 and 65 years. The survey was carried out between the 15th and 21st of May and the maximum error is +0,4 for a 95% confidence interval.

