Castro Marim Chamber ensures cleanliness of Ribeira de Odeleite

The cleaning work at the most critical points of Ribeira de Odeleite, namely downstream from the Dam, in the vicinity of […]

Cleaning - Ribeira de OdeleiteThe cleaning work at the most critical points of Ribeira de Odeleite, namely downstream from the dam, in the vicinity of the village, has already started, announced the Municipality of Castro Marim, which took over the operation.

This intervention intends to "clean up the stream, whose obstruction to the flow of water would compromise its quality", adds the municipality.

The cleaning of the Ribeira de Odeleite came after a meeting between the Municipality of Castro Marim, the Parish Council of Odeleite and the ARH Algarve (Administration of the Hydrographic Region of the Algarve, IP), where the municipality was responsible for paying for the work and ARH Algarve for its technical support.

The cleaning work being carried out ends with a discharge from the Odeleite Dam, which will help in the renovation and purification of the water.


